Why CultureBot for Slack Exists

announcement Aug 8, 2021

🤖 Hello World!

OK... we're not actually bots too, but it is a magical thing to be able to say those two words. After months of planning, brainstorming, and ideating... we've done it (almost). Our bot has been submitted to the Slack powers that be and we're eagerly awaiting our  "go-live" date like a kid two weeks before Christmas. We'll take this weird limbo period to tell our origin story, once and for (ehh, we'll probably tell it a bazillion times down the road)...

The idea for CultureBot was initially developed as the pandemic of 2020 forced our team and countless other into a remote work style (whether we or they liked it or not). As our team began working from home full-time we realized it was harder and harder to make the pieces of our culture stay glued together that really mattered.

We knew that the little things were what really grounded a culture -- the hallway conversations and side chats that led to tighter team bonds amongst one another. CultureBot exists to bring back some of that in-person magic. That's why we've spent the time developing an easy-to-use bot inside the tool you use everyday to keep in touch with your team – Slack.

It is our hope that the bot will positively impact your team's culture, at least in some small way. If you do use our bot (and we really hope you do 😁) we'd love to hear the story of how it's helped your team. Drop us a line at support(at)getculturebot.com.

Some of the features we'll be launching with:

🏃‍♂️ Weekly health tips

✨ On-demand trivia

🌊Water cooler topics

🎰 Employee lottery


The CultureBot Team


Oswald Reaves

A serial startup founder and entrepreneur, Oswald is a co-founder of the Slack-based employee experience and team engagement platform, CultureBot . Oswald is originally from North Carolina.