October '23 Product Updates!
This month we're excited to announce another huge round of product updates to many of CultureBot's core features, including:
- Survey Campaigns
- Shoutouts
- Employee Intros
Over a dozen updates in total 😁 We'll take a quick look at each of these updates below.
Survey Campaign Updates
1. We now denote whether a form question is single or multi-select
This makes it easy for you to tell whether or not a question you added was of the type multiple or single select, in the event you need to modify the answer options listed.

2. Longer messages permitted on campaigns (up to 2500 characters)
Before, when sending a survey campaign, you were restricted to messgaes no longer than 500 characters. Now, that limit is 5x as long, so that you can add all of the context you need to to your campaigns moving forward.
3. Weekday only sending options
We've added this option in by popular demand - you can now setup surveys to run every weekday, great for standups and quick daily syncs.
4. New 1-week since onboarding option
Another frequency option - 1 week since onboarding - this is helpful for new hires to see how their experience is trending early on when they join your organization!
Shoutouts Updates
1. Include a 'description' on your custom shoutouts
A 'shoutout description' is a way to showcase/describe to your employees what a custom shoutout type is to be used for/in what situation it's best used in. The two screens below detail out what this will look like in real life.

2. Two-tone effect for custom shoutouts
This is a little helpful add for those of you who are using custom shoutouts a lot. These shoutouts will now better reflect the style of the default shoutout types, so as to look a little nicer when sent.
3. Shoutout stats - see full list of senders/receivers, as well as points leaders, and ability to export
The red arrows in the screen below highlight where there are not export options for those of you power users of shoutouts. If your team is sending shoutouts daily or weekly, you will now be able to download a full stats report from the shoutout start reporting page.
4. Add ability to delete a shoutout from reports table
Also available in shoutout stats reporting is the abilty to delete/hide a shoutout from the report itself, just click the 'delete' button shown below (note: this does not delete it from Slack, just the report itself).

5. Email now added to shoutout stats
Also above, you will see the email of the shoutout sender, not juse the Slack name.
Employee Intro Updates
1. Now, all of your employees can choose to skip or snooze any intros channels they're a part of
Text will appear at the bottom of intro pairing messages (moving forward) that will let your employee choose whether or not to continue to recieve those pairing messages (either temporarily pausing, or pausing indefinitely).

2. Up to 6 people allowed in lottery mode
Pretty much as simple as that! You can include more people now with this specific employee intro mode.
Other Updates
1. Sign-in with Slack
Now you will be able to better bookmark/visit our web portal (where you can do things like add custom shoutouts, setup surveys, and view reports) as you will be required to login with Slack to access it. This also means you no longer need to visit the Slack app first to get to the portal itself!

2. For birthdays, add the actual day of birthday to the message
If you're a part of a big team and are using the option to skip weekends (or send on Mondays) for your birthday celebration configuration, now the actual day of the birthday will be appended to each user it's sent for.
That's all of the updates this time around. We'll have another round of very exciting updates come November - with some big improvements planned for water cooler and health tips!
~ Amy