Is Everyone Suffering at Work?

Why is everyone suffering at work and what can you do about it? Listen in as people and culture leaders Hebba Youssef, Sarika Lamont and Austen Tully debate this exact question.

People leaders Hebba Y., Sarika L. and Austen T. debate why everyone is lonely & suffering in the current remote environment of 2024. 

Event Overview​

The WSJ recently wrote about how American remote employees are more isolated & disconnected than ever – in fact, 58% of American workers reporting being lonely in their jobs.

In this live round table event, 3 people & culture leaders debate why this is happening, and what you can do about it.

Audience Poll Results

🤔 Can meaningful team bonding happen remotely (yes/no)?

93% Yes

🤔 On a scale of 1-10 how connected do you feel to your organization?

On average a 6.3/10

🤔 On a scale of 1-10 how much do you think your company has sacrificed connection for productivity?

On average a 6.o/10

Quick Takeaways

  1. How has your company culture changed since the pandemic; how do you back solve for building a remote culture that is just as strong and engaged as the pre-office days?
  • Inherently, being remote IS culture and you have to think of it that way.
  • Flexibility to focus work around your life vs. life around work is the ultimate draw for many, but work connections and relationships are still CRITICAL and don’t come organically – you have to be incredibly intentional about it.
  • Require a PTO minimum to ensure employee's health.
  • Manager enablement is key to doing remote work well and connecting people and teams.
  • Gathering employees around shared interested can be very successful.

2. How do you combat loneliness in your workplace and provide ways for employees to build closer ties with one another?

  • Empower folks to get together.
  • Talk about it (the loneliness) – be vulnerable as leaders and share your challenges with loneliness and practical ways you combat that.
  • Create little micro moments that matter - from shared interests, to birthday celebrations, to holidays – there a lot to bring folks together and make them feel like they belong.
  • Give people the tools to connect organically their own ways – shoutouts, slack channels, meet ups, incentives, etc. – this is more sustainable than you doing all of it all the time.

3. How do you combat excessive meeting fatigue?

  • We are all inherently bad at remote work - we need to be much more intentional designing how we work remotely and then hold accountable. Use tools to help hold folks accountable
  • Don’t play calendar tetris; don't live in 30-min increments – try front-loading meetings.
  • We need to be building better connection, trust with each other.
  • People don't understand how to work together remotely to make decisions - make that super clear to folks.
  • Empower (love this word today) your employees to actually learn how others work.

An Actionable Guide: 9 Quick Ways to Deliver on Your Team's Culture & Employee Engagement Goals This Year

Coming off of these great conversations, we put together an actionable guide full of super quick ways you can make an impact in your remote/hybrid organization, click below to download 👇

That's a Wrap!

Thank you again to the audience and our wonderful panelists for an awesome event!  If you're a people leader of a remote/hybrid team struggling to keep your team engaged, connected and motivated – find a time to chat with one of our culture experts today.