August 2024: Product Updates & Improvements
A few small updates this month to improve the CultureBot experience for admins and also improve user engagement in areas such as water cooler, birthday/anniversary collecting, and surveys!
1. Opting Out of Birthday & Anniversary Reminders
When collecting birthdays and/or anniversaries from your employees, employees will now be able to opt out of receiving these reminders. This is helpful in the case that you're sending reminders to your team often (which go out to anyone who hasn't added their birthday or start date yet), and specific people do not want to ever opt-in to giving you their birthday or start date.

2. Survey Admins
If you're running surveys frequently, there may come a time when you want to enable your managers on your team to create/view their own surveys. This is now possible by adding them in as "creator admins" from the surveys & questionnaires section of CultureBot in Slack. Visit the screen below and click on the "X selected" button to add your new admins. Please note that these admins will only see surveys and results from surveys they have made - they will not see all surveys.

3. Water Cooler "Pick a Lead" to Start the Conversation
One of the top-most used features of CultureBot has always been the water cooler feature. Now, as an admin, you are able to configure any instance of water cooler to automatically select a "lead" to start off the conversation, and drum up activity faster when new conversation starters come out. This is particularly helpful in situations where you're seeing low engagment or no engagement to date.

4. Showing of Opted-Out Users from Birthdays & Anniversaries Collection Lists
Lastly for this month, we have a small (yet helpful) tweak to share for how birthdays and work anniversaries are collected using CultureBot. When sending out reminders to collect birthdays and/or start dates, if any employee has 'opted out' of the collection process (see the first feature above at the top of this post) - you will now be able to tell who has opted out from the collecting birthdays/collecting anniversaries section of the app.

Thank you for reading through the updates above, and as always, we would love to hear what you think of the new improvements. If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions - please drop us a line anytime by emailing us at support(at)!
Cheers 🥂
~ Oswald