5 Must-Have Software & Tools for a Remote HR Team

software Aug 27, 2023

Choosing the right software and tools is crucial for crafting a remote workspace. Thanks to a wide range of programs aimed at helping HR teams keep things running smoothly, you can easily streamline your online workspace for the better.

Here, we discuss five must-have software & tools for a remote HR team, including Slack integrations, virtual workspaces, and employee satisfaction trackers perfect for team management and overall workplace satisfaction reporting. Without further ado, let’s dive into the topic at hand.

1. CultureBot

CultureBot is a great way to automate certain HR tasks using a Slack channel. You can streamline activities like shouting out a job well done or celebrating employee birthdays and work anniversaries, and you can also use it to connect remote employees to other team members. By automating several essential HR tasks, CultureBot takes some of the stress off of your HR team, making it easier to manage and stay up to date with other crucial tasks. Automate things like birthday reminders, wellness check-ins, and more using CultureBot, and you're well on your way to a healthy, engaged workplace. What could be better than that?

This tool not only helps you keep team members engaged, but it also promotes socialization during the workday. You can also use it to set up wellness initiatives, perfect for maintaining the health of your team members while staving off employee burnout. CultureBot combines the best part of a team management app with social incentives and even team activities, making it an all-in-one piece of software perfect for HR management.

If you’re looking for an all-in-one app perfect for managing remote teams, CultureBot is the clear choice.

2. Google Calendar

Scheduling meetings, checking events, and keeping track of employee check-ins can all be a headache without the right tool. Google Calendar lets you easily track events across several calendars and send personalized reminders to team members. If you need a way to organize several schedules with the press of a button, Google Calendar is an indispensable piece of software for your team.

Since a major part of HR focuses on coordinating with team members, using Google Calendar to keep everything in check is essential to any hybrid or remote workspace. Not only can you schedule check-ins, meetings, and more using this helpful software, but you can also use it to alert members of upcoming video chats and other meetings.

If you appreciate organization or work in HR, Google Calendar is an indispensable tool that deserves a hallowed place in your workspace. Not only does it make coordinating events easier than ever, but with the ability to track events across several email accounts, you can easily check for conflicts in scheduling at the press of a button.

3. Google Drive

Remember when you used to have to print out documents to share them? How about the classic noise of a fax machine? With Google Drive, you can easily share documents, pictures, schedules, spreadsheets, and larger files with your team members. Not only does this make getting signatures on important documents much easier, but it also saves the time you spend printing out notices or documents.

Google Drive is a must-have for the organized HR department. You can share important files before a meeting, and team members can easily collaborate on scheduling documents, group projects, and more, allowing remote and hybrid team members to work together without issue.  

Suppose the printer was the cornerstone of the physical office. In that case, Google Drive is the cornerstone of the modern office, allowing remote team members to easily connect with and collaborate with team members and contribute toward meetings with the press of a button. Any HR team needs Google Drive to operate in the modern virtual workspace seamlessly.

4. Polly

Getting employee feedback is a crucial part of working in HR. Whether you're looking to track overall employee engagement or look for key training opportunities, getting input from team members is an essential part of your job. With Polly, you can easily collect to-the-minute information after a meeting or event, allowing you to check overall engagement and tailor the next event for your team.

As a bonus, Polly allows for anonymous feedback, allowing you to easily collect your team members' thoughts and feelings without pressuring them for feedback.

Polly also allows for question-and-answer sessions after a meeting, allowing you to double back on key points and clarify any questions your team may have. This is perfect for remote meetings where some team members may be unsure how to chime in during the meeting but feel comfortable talking in a written format.

This simple, easy-to-use Slack integration is perfect for team members looking to upgrade their events and meeting productivity without weighing employees down with countless surveys. Thanks to Polly’s streamlined survey functions, you can instantly get employee feedback, perfect for the virtual workspace.

5. MoodBit

MoodBit’s latest product, a generative AI assistant for HR teams, is an important tool for any remote office. Not only does this AI allow you to automate everyday tasks, but it also gathers important insight and offers data-driven strategies to help streamline your workplace.

Not only does this AI help you easily generate surveys and research data based on HR information, but with the power of ChatGPT, you can source answers to difficult questions at the push of a button. While this AI is still in its early stages, it can be a crucial tool for streamlining tasks in the modern workplace, making it a vital piece of software for any HR department looking to automate tasks.

MoodBit also offers smart surveys to help you gauge things like employee satisfaction, overall productivity, and more so you can better craft your next event for maximum engagement. Thanks to anonymous surveys, you can check in on how your team feels, allowing you to better connect with team members and fix issues before they become serious.

If you’re looking for a workplace assistant that can offload simple tasks, though may fall short on the socialization aspect of HR, MoodBit is a good fit for you.

Of course, our top pick for the most essential software for HR is CultureBot. Thanks to a wide range of social programs, team-building software, and tools for streamlining workplace interactions, CultureBot is the cornerstone of the Slack workplace. Contact us today to find out more or to give CultureBot a try.

~ Amy


Oswald Reaves

A serial startup founder and entrepreneur, Oswald is a co-founder of the Slack-based employee experience and team engagement platform, CultureBot . Oswald is originally from North Carolina.