Promoting Diversity | 2024 DEI Calendar

diversity Jun 3, 2024

Celebrating diversity and inclusion in the workplace is critical for fostering a positive team culture. It can improve morale, build greater understanding between colleagues, enhance creativity, and even drive business performance. We have something that can help! CultureBot presents: our 2024 Diversity, Engagement, and Inclusion Calendar! Let’s learn more about what’s on the calendar and how you can use it to promote diversity in your team.

How CultureBot’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Calendar Can Help HR Leaders Build a More Inclusive Culture

CultureBot’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Calendar highlights a number of important cultural events throughout the year. These dates include religious holidays, cultural events, heritage months, and awareness days. Being able to plan for these events accordingly can help you better celebrate the diversity of your team and build a more inclusive team culture.

By planning for these events with the calendar, you can promote understanding, respect, and greater employee engagement. As a result, your recruitment and retention will flourish, and so will your productivity and camaraderie.

Key Diversity and Inclusion Dates in 2024

Let’s explore some of the key dates from the CultureBot 2024 Diversity and Inclusion Calendar!


In January, Martin Luther King Jr. Day is celebrated on the third Monday of each year. Dr. King’s nonviolent campaign for social change in the United States is remembered as one of the most important movements advancing racial equality. Around the country, people celebrate with educational programs and marches to ensure that Dr. King’s message isn’t forgotten.

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January is also National Mentoring Month! Try using CultureBot’s Employee Intros feature to pair up new hires with mentors to help them get more acquainted with your team and their responsibilities. A few other dates in January include World Religion Day and Holocaust Remembrance Day.


Black History Month begins February 1st! This heritage month is observed in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. Carter G Woodson and colleagues in 1926 chose February because of the birthdays of two people who had a major impact on the lives of African Americans: Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln.

Another holiday to consider is National Girls and Women in Sports Day on February 7th. This day celebrates the accomplishments of women in sports and support for gender equity. A few other dates in February are Mardi Gras and President’s Day.


Women’s history month is March each year alongside International Women’s Day on March 8th! These two awareness opportunities are excellent reminders of the achievements and voices of women around the world. One way to celebrate might be to highlight the women of your team using CultureBot’s shoutouts feature! Easter, Ramadan, and Employee Appreciation Day are a few other dates to keep in mind in March as well.


Celebrate Diversity Month has been recognized every April since 2004. Recognizing multiculturalism is critical to building a more tolerant world that recognizes all voices. World Autism Awareness Day is recognized by the United Nations on April 2nd and promotes neurodiversity around the world. Passover and Diversity Month are a few other events to note in April.


May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month in the United States, which celebrates the contributions and achievements of Americans of Asian and Pacific Islander descent. This month is a great opportunity to learn more about the diverse cultures, histories, and experiences of Asian and Pacific Islander communities around the world. May is also home to Cinco de Mayo, Mothers Day, and Arbor Day.


June is Pride Month, which commemorates the Stonewall riots of 1969 and honors the LGBTQ+ movement for civil rights and social justice. Pride Month is celebrated with parades, festivals, concerts, and other events that highlight the diversity and inclusion of LGBTQ+ people and allies. You can use CultureBot’s shoutouts feature to recognize and support your LGBTQ+ colleagues and celebrate their achievements and stories! Juneteenth, Father’s Day, and Eid al-Adha are a few other dates to mark on your calendar in June.


July is Disability Pride Month, celebrating the achievements, experiences and struggles of those with disabilities. July 26th is the anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) that makes employment, public services, and other provisions fair for people with disabilities.

Parent’s Day is the fourth Sunday of July, celebrating the importance of the role of parents in the lives of families. Independence Day in the United States is celebrated on July 8th. International Day of Friendship is July 30th, established by the United Nations in 2011 to support the friendship between people and cultures around the world.


Purple Heart Day is on August 7th and honors American soldiers who have demonstrated exceptional courage and sacrifice to their country. International Day of World’s Indigenous People is a few days later on the 9th, raising awareness globally about indigenous people worldwide and to celebrate their cultures and contributions to the world. A few other notable holidays in August are Senior Citizens Day and Left-Handers Day.


Labor Day is an important holiday for the workforce in the United States. Celebrated on the first Monday of September, Labor Day recognizes workers across the country. Trade unions and labor unions in the late 19th century worked to set aside a day to celebrate workers. That resulted in Oregon becoming the first state to recognize the holiday in 1887.

World Suicide Prevention Day is another important holiday on September 10th, aiming to raise awareness about self-harm and resources to prevent it. Grandparents Day is another important holiday in September that honors family grandparents.


October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, promoting cancer screening and prevention, raising money for research, and educating the world about risk factors that can lead to breast cancer. National Indigenous People’s Day is celebrated in the United States on the second Monday of October and is a great opportunity to recognize the contributions of Native American communities.

World Mental Health Day is October 10th, raising awareness for mental health globally. This is a great opportunity for you to provide resources to your team to keep everyone’s minds healthy. Some other holidays in October include Diwali and Halloween.


All Saints Day is November 1st, honoring all of the Christian Saints. Election Day is November 5th, don’t forget to remind your team to vote! November is also home to Veterans Day on the 11th, celebrating the sacrifices made by veterans in the United States. Thanksgiving is another important holiday on the 28th.


December has more holidays than just Christmas, Hannukah, and New Years. Giving Tuesday is a globally recognized holiday on the first Tuesday following Thanksgiving. It aims to counter Black Friday and Cyber Monday by encouraging kindness and generosity instead of consumerism. International Human Rights Day is December 10th. Kwanzaa week starts on December 26th, celebrating African harvest festival traditions. It was established by Maulana Karenga in 1966.

Using CultureBot to Celebrate Diversity

There are a number of ways you can use CultureBot to celebrate the diversity of your team. Here are some of our ideas!

Custom Celebrations Feature for Holidays and Awareness Days

The custom celebrations feature is a fantastic way for team leaders to choose holidays that are most important to their colleagues and celebrate the diversity of their team. You can schedule custom CultureBot announcements to start conversations and remind teams of these important holidays.

Conversation Starters

Use custom CultureBot conversation starters during holidays and heritage months to get your team talking about DEI topics. You can use existing CultureBot topics, or you can add your own custom prompts. The channel and frequency of water cooler topics can be customized as well.

Peer Recognition and Rewards

Use CultureBot’s shoutouts and rewards features to celebrate the diversity of your team during holidays. Your team can also earn points from shoutouts to redeem for rewards that you choose!

Employee Surveys and Questionnaires

Check the pulse of your team with regular surveys and questionnaires. Schedule surveys to ask your team about how holiday celebrations are going and if they feel like their voices are being heard.

Anonymous Suggestions

You can use CultureBot’s suggestions box features to allow teams to anonymously submit feedback and offer suggestions for celebrating DEI holidays and events.

Downloadable 2024 Diversity and Engagement Calendar

Elevate the voices of your team with Culturebot’s downloadable 2024 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Calendar! HR leaders can use this to plan their DEI initiatives. Download the calendar now and share it with your team to start planning the rest of the year!

Celebrating the Diversity of Your Team

The entire year is filled with incredible opportunities to celebrate your team’s diversity. CultureBot’s downloadable 2024 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Calendar is a valuable tool for HR leaders who want to elevate the voices of their team and create an inclusive workplace culture. Leverage CultureBot to help you plan your DEI initiatives and engage your employees in meaningful conversations.


Amy Campbell

A professional wizard with all things PeopleOps, Amy has been helping HR and People teams optimize their remote work setup and culture for over 10 years now. She's originally from California.